Sterling Plus Fund Money Market Accounts
Larger balances find their perfect fit here
Take your savings to the next level
If you typically maintain a larger balance in your account, consider how you can benefit from the Sterling Plus Fund Money Market Account. Access your money when you need it while it grows at a higher rate. Plus, take advantage of extras that are part of this special account.
- Open with a $25,000 minimum deposit
- Interest is paid with an average daily balance of $20,000 or more
- Includes free custom Envision checks, free money orders and free cashier's checks
- Receive discounts on safe deposit boxes
- Make three free withdrawals each month
- Includes some check-writing privileges
Helpful Hint: While you're able to withdraw money from this account, federal laws limit how many times you may do so per month. Plan carefully if you think you need to access funds multiple times in a month.
Envision Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Florida and Georgia.
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