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When you have money you can set aside for a few months or a few years, a Certificate is a great way to boost your bottom line. This is a safe investment with guaranteed earnings at a fixed rate for however long you choose. Select the term you want and watch your money grow toward your goals. You can save for the short term or augment your retirement savings.
- Open with a minimum $500 investment
- Interest is paid on a compounded daily basis
- Open an IRA as a Certificate with the same terms
- Keep your money invested for the full term to avoid early-withdrawal penalties
- Use as collateral to secure a loan with a low interest rate
Helpful Hint: If you have the money to do it, you can open various Certificates that mature at different times so every few months you have money available to you if you need it. This laddering strategy is a great way to continue growing your savings while you have more frequent access to your money. If you don't need the money when it becomes available, just reinvest in another Certificate.
Envision Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Florida and Georgia.
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