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Staff and Board of Directors

Our professionals are always working with your interests in mind.

Meet our Board of Directors, Executive Team, and Supervisory Committee members

These professionals are dedicated to making Envision Credit Union the best it can be.

Board of Directors

Dr. Cassandra J. Grayson
Dr. Cassandra J. Grayson
Gene McNease
1st Vice Chair
Gene McNease
Gene Morgan
Gene Morgan
Linda Presley Smith
Linda Presley Smith
Dr. Christopher Small
Dr. Christopher Small

Executive Team

Darryl Worrell
CEO, President
Darryl Worrell
Hollie Maddox
SVP, Chief Operations Officer
Hollie Maddox
Rudy Arceo
SVP, Strategic Development
Rudy Arceo
Mac Hudson
Chief Information Officer
Mac Hudson
Bob Doby Jr.
Interim CFO
Bob Doby Jr.

Envision Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Florida and Georgia.