Build your knowledge base to reach your goals
Education is at the heart of what we do. That's why we're always creating free financial education workshops that delve into popular topics for our members. We cover various material, including home buying, auto buying, building credit, saving more money, managing debt and much more. These engaging sessions are held in person or digitally which include videos, worksheets, and at-home tools so you can maintain your momentum after each session.
In person workshops
New workshops for October through December 2024 coming soon!
We're the Experts!
Invite us to your classroom, organization, or group for a free financial wellness workshop! Email us at [email protected] or complete the form below This form is intended only for groups, not for individual or personal purposes. For personal financial education, please visit MoneyWise for more information.
Envision Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches in Florida and Georgia.
Make those dreams a reality
Use your home's value to finance your next big purchase
Resources to help you
find what you're looking for.